At Bainland Lodge Retreats, sustainability is embedded into our core thinking. Championing the local community and our environment is at the heart of what we do:
1. Championing the community
Our greatest asset without doubt is our staff. We have a local and loyal team that have grown up with us and evolved with us too. Bainland Lodge Retreats is Woodhall Spa’s leading employer and we play a key role in training and nurturing our talent.
Bainland employs over 110 people, the majority of whom live less than 10 miles away
2. Using Energy Efficient Technologies
We take every opportunity to implement energy efficient technologies. This includes energy efficient heating sources for pools and hot tubs, solar powered EV charging stations, electric carts for housekeeping, maintenance and food delivery teams, as well as a state of the art in-house laundry facility – reducing our carbon footprint and use of plastic.
Bainland aims to reduce electricity usage by 30% using solar energy
3. Enhancing the local environment
We make conscious decisions that best support our Lincolnshire roots. Our perimeter is made up of gabion walls using locally sourced rocks to provide a low impact boundary solution that also reduces noise. Many of our lodges are afforded privacy by the creation of buns seeded with wildflowers and poppies. In addition, we have implemented a reforestation programme planting over 1,500 trees and shrubs, and introduced a no-mow policy to protect the bees.
Bainland has teamed up with Lincolnshire’s Riseholme College, one of the UK’s leading agricultural institutions, to offer a sustainability and grounds management apprenticeship to two students annually
4. Protecting our wildlife
Bainland’s 45-acre estate is home to an abundance of wildlife including birds, mammals, insects and invertebrates. Our duty of care includes working with local Lincolnshire wildlife experts on habitat management and protection as well as ensuring our guests enjoy spotting our discreet and not so discreet wildlife visitors.
Bainland is home to Canada Geese, Ducks, Red Kites, Owls, Woodpeckers, Bats, Bees, Rabbits, Hedgehogs, Mink, Stoat & Voles and much more